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This window lets you adjust the various settings for YAFA-animations
to be generated.
Image data Internal representation of the image-data
Colormap Dynamic or static colormap
Force Timecodes Force the creation of timecodes even they are all equal
Speed Speed-preset for the Player (fps=50/speed on Pal)
Post Compression Turn on xpk-post-compression
Compressor Select xpk-compressor
Mode Select xpk-compression-mode, see xpk references for
more details
Delta Compression Choose the type of delta compression
UC-Frames Choose the number uncompressed delta-frames
UC-Mode Choose the type of uncompressed delta-frames
Analysis open the Analysis-Window to check out
some predefined combinations of settings.
Import Extract the settings from an external YAFA-animation
Load Load a previous saved settings-file
Save Save all YAFA-settings into a settings-file